Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

It's been a long time, apparently, since I have actually blogged....the schedule says April of 2017. I'd say that I am a little behind. However, because of the New Year and the time for resolutions and goals, I have decided that regularly writing in my blog should be on the list.

I thought about New Year's resolutions a little bit on New Year's Eve, as I am sure that most of us do...since Facebook is plastered with memes about resolutions. I can't say that I came up with much other than blogging regularly and attempting to stick to a daily skin care regiment to tame my adult acne....which I already forgot to do this morning and will inevitably have to put a sticky note on my bathroom mirror so that I can remember to follow through.

This morning as my husband and I were driving to the grocery store to pick up some carrots for our New Year's Day traditional corned beef and cabbage meal, he asked if I had set any resolutions. To which, of course, I replied "not really, you?" Which was obviously met with a "no" response from him. My husband does not really "do" New Year's....the party, the resolutions, the whole nine yards. He would be like the Grinch of New Year's, if it were a thing.

In any event, it got me thinking about New Year's resolutions for my personal and professional life that I would actually benefit from and possibily continue the whole year through, instead of just the initial one to three months that typical resolutions seem to do. So, as I write this I am thinking of possible resolutions.

Here is what I have come up with so far:

Daily Skin Care Regiment - because it will help reduce my acne and I will feel better about it.

Start my own ecommerce website
Blog regularly and get to know my subscribers

Day Job:
Find a way to identify with my clients - who are a new population for me.

So, in order to fulfill my above resolutions, I may need a little help from my friends...here...which means you. I can't get to know you if you don't comment, right? So, please grace me with your New Year's resolutions/goals in the comments. What is going to make your 2019 great?

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